Hahah I should be sleeping lah WTH 11pm already (!!!) but I was just looking through photo comments on Facebook and I directed myself back to the Dalian photos again. (And I realised there were a lot of comments I didn't even knew existed!)
A trip down memory lane!
Jumpshot at the cherry blossom place! The first actual place of sightseeing we went. Probably the moment that triggered our jumpshot craze.
Already addicted at that point in time! LOL.
Maybe the most adventurous food we've tried over there. Fried silkworm pupae. And it was ordered without our knowing. BUT hey, at least we tried something new!
Hui Ling and Xiuxiu! HAHAHAH the most CLASSIC photo of you two in your room. (The more classic character should be Hui Ling bah. True colours!) Don't look at me, Zach was the one who took this photo. I was outside along the corridor playing badminton with Ron~
One of our many group photos. This one was at Golden Pebble Beach. No golden pebbles per se, but the scenery was not too bad!
The tram which we wanted to ride but didn't get a chance too. Only 1 yuan for the fare lor.
Bulldog! With that gigantic vessel filled with ice cream!
Ahhhhhh the foooooooooood. Check out the toppings for the giant ice cream.
Discoveryland! Took the good rides, and the wettest one at the end where we all got so drenched! Forced everyone to take the final plunge into the water without their ponchos one = one wet wet fest.
The best frozen treat there! 2 yuan ice cream on a cone! Available right in school. Convenient and creamily nice! Yum yum.
And at some nights randomly headed out to the road just outside our dorm to join the other local students to play badminton~
Mi xian and chuan chuans, among the other local foods we usually consume there! The best probably being the chao bing (CB!) and gu rou xiang lian wahhh yummmm.
XIAO LAO TOU/BO SI /very friendly dog whatever you want to name her! I'll always look for her when walking past the fruit stall!
(Woah okay I feel like I'm writing a journal entry for Mrs Ku. Ahahah okay, carrying on...)
Puppies for 30 yuan each lah wthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Another semi-classic photo: The two girls' stash of bottled drinks (more still on the floor). Just how much did they drink?!
Shao kao once in a while~ =)
Our SP jackets! The most comfortable and convenient and probably the best piece of clothing over there! Wearing it now is just weird though :/
The view from the classroom~
And who can forget her, the friendliest shop owner around with a knack for tea!
Picture perfect postcard worthy sunset views as seen from the dorm EVERY SINGLE DAY.
And more random jumpshots in the dorm! (And in Mrs Ser's room!) Hahah anywhere, anytime :D
And the new friends Olive made over there (ironically, she made better friends with these strangers than with her buddy lol)
And AH YI! Awwww. The one who is always that hardworking and caring. Haha.
Used to be a familiar sight.
Okay final photo! RMBs. (Some in really bad condition). What can we do in China without these?!
Alright need to go sleep (or rather, do my report first)! Good night! (LOL this is a very random post, I know!)